9/4/15 Time of departure is at hand.

Special thanks to brother Kurt for helping restore access to the website for updates.  The Lord bless you.

BIG NEWS!! Praise the Lord we have found a buyer for our home and we are set to close and move out this month of September.   Our departure time period for Honduras is mid-December as a part of a prayed over step of faith that started back in June.  With such a short time between move out and departure (3 Months), we prayed the Lord would find us a fully furnished house that we could move into for a specific budget.  He gave us just that.  We have a week long missions conference in mid-October and another in early November.  As we continue to pray over our deputation outreach for support, the Lord has given us success in finding the right people to talk to.  I praise God who has promissed to supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).   Every supporter for any amount matters so much now.  We are absolutely trusting that all the commitments will be sufficient to sustain us by our December departure date.

The Work.  Our shipment of living and ministry equipment will be packed and staged for departure.  The destination will be an apartment [Location omitted for security] in La Ceiba.  We will work in this area while assessing what it will take to get started in Trujillo.  Pray for us for wisdom and encouragement.  Also, pray for the souls of Hondurans to be open to the Gospel.  In the Spirit of Hebrews 11, we walk “by faith”.  Write me a note through the Contact Us page.  Blessings!